Achilles JQS stamp that Sterling Thermal Technology can use as we are qualified

SterlingTT qualified in the Achilles JQS Community

We are pleased to announce Sterling Thermal Technology has renewed its qualification in JQS until the 24th October 2019.

Achilles JQS (Joint Qualification System) is a supplier information management community for the Nordic Oil and Gas industry which is regarded highly by operators in the North Sea region.

Achilles set a high standard for pre-qualifying potential suppliers. That way Achilles assure buyers of the quality, H&S, environmental standards and transparency that are crucial for those operating in the North Sea Oil & Gas environment. Having met these, Sterling Thermal Technology is again qualified in the Achilles JQS Community.

Sterling Thermal Technology is registered with Achilles JQS, supplier ID 60413.


Call us on +44 121 7488400 or email us or visit our certification page