Our heat pipe technology Avantair to equip a converted FPSO in Senegal’s first offshore oil development
We are proud to announce that our heat pipe technology Avantair will be floating in Senegal’s first offshore oil development. MODEC will deploy a converted FPSO in Sangomar (formerly SNE) field located 100 km South of Dakar.
Brush who will supply the generators will equip these with Avantair, our unique technology for FPSO. Avantair uses heat pipes, also known as thermosyphons. They transfer energy from the generator to the surrounding environment using forced air movement and an extended finned surface.
Our end-clients want Avantair not only for new FPSO but also for converted ones. They benefit from more than 20-years’ experience and expertise in designing and manufacturing this technology. To date, we have a track record of more than 100 units delivered.
Why do operators like MODEC want Avantair on their FPSO? It saves them money!
- Avantair is compact, where the space is paramount. An FPSO is one of the most expensive estates, more expensive than the costliest building in Chicago. Avantair is much smaller than a conventional TEAAC; it fits on the top of generators within the footprint of the machine.
- Avantair is long-lasting and has 100% availability. Intelligent design and use of materials deliver a 20-year service life with no loss in performance and minimal erosion or corrosion. Avantair rarely breaks down and enhance the availability performance of the FPSO.
- Avantair requires low maintenance. On-line maintenance eliminates downtime, and plug-and-play replacement of components is completed while the machine is running. Avantair is beneficial when availability and reliability are paramount. MTBF (Mean Time Between Failures) and MTTR (Mean Time To Repair) are respectively long and short. Avantair has few moving parts, 8,000 hours service intervals, and fitters can maintain it. Also, it has a short spare parts list.
For more information about our heat pipe technology, visit our Avantair webpage